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Time flys. It's been a few months since my last blog post, and it's hard to encapsulate all of the artistic experiments, prototypes, and physical projects I've been working through during that time. This blog post consolidates some of my recent code artwork into a single blog post with the following contents.

  1. New collection Communication Systems

  2. 00FF00 → ETH & BTC ascii highlights

  3. Smart contract ascii artwork

  4. Artist roadmap New NFTs & physicals

// The concept

I interact with a computer almost daily, exchanging 0s and 1s, sending data out, and receiving data back. My latest crypto art collection, Communication Systems, explores the ongoing dialogue between humans and computer systems. Will my communications be with humans or AIs soon? 0 1 0 1 0 ← → 0 1 0 1 0

Amber tones seen on retro computers, such as the Commodore PET's monochrome monitor, display custom-coded stories visualized with ASCII artwork. My desire to create unique digital art on the blockchain continues with these limited six [6] fully on-chain, ETH [L1], long-form stories, not jpgs, made with code. Each a 1/1 artwork.

// Long Form Crypto Art

My intention is to bring back the rebellious spirit of early digital culture through nostalgic computer art.

Imaginative pieces from inside the internet communicate stories that depict a dystopian future where AI controls society. The stories explore humanity's fight to maintain individuality and creativity against technological dominance, highlighting the conflict between human essence and machine logic—revolutions sparked by artistic expression.

// The Craft

This project has been a labor of love that I hope others connect with. While many chase automation in the art world, this project fulfilled a personal desire for continued craft. The imagination and dedication required to place each character of code help communicate its true art.

  • 22,125 total characters used

  • 1,101 horizontal rows of code formatted

  • 25 code characters used to create all 6 pieces

  • ┃ ━ ┏ ┓ ┛ ┗ . + █ ▩ ▓ ░ I - ━ ╚ ╠ ╬ ╠ / \ ~ : [ ]

Each piece is created from a blank code [markdown] file. The structure begins by establishing the story as the foundational shape and then moving onto the visualizations between as story dividers. The final step is to select the characters that best consoliate the story—all code, manually placed, character by character. Upon viewing the fully on-chain artwork, the token includes a zoom-in, zoom-out, and reset button to navigate the experience.

// Mint & Web Experience

I have a passion for creating specialty experiences with each collection. Micro-websites communicate that artistic expression expands outside of token ownership. I prefer a one-off buy option for lower-quantity collections for one reason: exclusivity. Now is the chance to buy, or you miss out on the limited edition moment, which most people unfortunately don't realize until it's too late.

// Code to Physical

Two NFTs remain in the Communication Systems collection. Fragments of Light and Code of the Canvas. Upon sellout, I have two special surprises for token holders, which I will share in the next blog post. Since this collection was created in pure code, the possibilities are limitless. Explorations converting some of the art into 3D [threejs], textile, and liquid-based physicals have been in play. More to come soon…

// 00FF00 Highlights

Communication Systems is my first stand-alone ASCII NFT collection. Yet I’ve created a few 1/1s in the past that I haven’t highlighted. Two artworks from the Motherboard collection on Ethereum [L2], and two from The Network collection on Bitcoin [Ordinal].

// Contract Artwork

// Artistic Roadmap

My creative journey never stops. Before the year closes out, I will mint in a few remaining areas: h4x0r edition [burn/redeem], Bitcoin print, Redacted [new collection], Marfa [IRL event], and some crazy physicals in the works.

If you’ve made it this far, I appreciate you. More love, more wins, and more fun for all in 2024.



