Inevitable Futures editions

I’m excited to share information about a small 4 edition collection of artwork that continues the h4x0r story!

Today companies like Neuralink are developing implantable brain-computer interfaces. While companies like OpenAI explore intelligent agents that can understand or learn any intellectual task that humans or other animals can. Inevitably we will see a convergence of these efforts in the future. The question becomes how quickly.

These editions are visualizations of our inevitable futures as humans. More so, they examine how a.i. and robots will become part of the human DNA by 2075. Today a keyboard separates our a.i. counterparts, whereas tomorrow a.i. it will be a part of us.

In the h4x0r series of artwork. A character living on-chain. Each transaction h4x0r travels through is a story that has been triggered in the real world. This set of artwork visualizes those real-world humans who are interacting on-chain.


Buy now on Objkt. The collection link can be seen here—only 1 edition of the above art. Each set to a $15 auction. While all your favorite artists are minting cash grabs, I've always focused on low-quantity special editions. There are stories tied to everything I release that deliver value in different layers. I have been an artist my entire life, and while the mediums change, the purpose has always been the same. 


As an artist and all-around learner/experimenter in general I’m constantly exploring tools as part of my workflow. How can I utilize a new tool to help me communicate my ideas in a way that resonates with my stories? The current h4x0r pieces are made from traditional code, design, and 3d programs. This set of editions explores how to merge the traditional tools and a.i. together. Human + Artificial = Partnership

Thank you to all of my collectors and supporters. I’m endlessly grateful.

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