h4x0r Experiments

I couldn’t think of a title here, so loading is what I ended up with 🤪. This post is focused on h4x0r’s purpose, IRL installations goals, and sharing some of the innovative products that I have been experimenting with that haven’t been seen by my internet friends. In the previous posts, I shared the ORIGIN STORY and CHAPTER.1


One of my goals with h4x0r is to utilize the visuals and stories to help educate the Web3 space about security best practices. It’s no secret that most consumers outside of Web3 recognize the space for historic hacks and security breaches. I’ve been searching for galleries and IRL installation opportunities to display the artwork, and it feels like an important message that can be communicated to the viewers around best practices.


IRL Installations

For the past few weeks, I have been contacting galleries and businesses looking for opportunities to display the h4x0r artwork—screens, wall paintings, projection mapping, whatever. Outer Edge NFT LA Conference occurs on March 20-23 in Los Angeles. They accepted my application in February for a land grant, a 10ft x 10ft piece of land, at the conference. I planned to create “The h4x0r Experience,” a 3d room showcasing NFTs and products with security best practices.

Unfortunately, NFT LA responded to me today, not leaving me with time to do this installation after I contacted them numerous times 😤. Still, I will continue to search for suitable galleries and businesses to partner with for these installations.

h4x0r Experiments


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More love, more wins, and more fun for all in 2023.


IP and cc0 Rights for Creators


h4x0r Collection